"The House of the Wolfings" by William Morris with art by Jacqui Alberts

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Equal parts romantic, mysterious, and blood-soaked, "The House of the Wolfings" is a unique, Old Norse-inspired tale of the ferocious resistance of a group of pagan Gothic peoples against the imperial designs of the invading Roman Empire.

Following the luminous valkyrie Wood-Sun, the war chief Thiodolf (‘the wolf of the people’), and their daughter the Hall-Sun, the Wolfings and their surrounding community band together to fight a powerful, common foe. English utopian socialist polymath William Morris’s "The House of the Wolfings" is widely recognized as major influence on contemporary fantasy, especially on the novels of J. R. R. Tolkien.

Rarely in print, this unique edition from Hyldyr features a new introduction from philologist Joseph S. Hopkins and supplementary items useful for approaching this historic publication, including art by Jacqui Alberts.

First edition: limited to 99 hand-numbered copies
307 pages. 5x7. Published by Hyldyr.
Printed in the USA and/or Canada.