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a. Do you ship to Europe?

Our publications are available in Europe from our European stockists. We do not ship directly to Europe at this time.

 b. Do you ship to Canada?

For orders in Canada, please use our Etsy shop here.

Please note that as of July 29, 2024, we ship internationally only through USPS. This is to avoid UPS's "brokerage fees".

c. I'm looking for an item that's out of print. Any tips on where to find it?

If you're hunting for an item that's out of print, please check out our Europe- and US-based stockists on the side bar to the left. Happy hunting!

d. I want to receive updates on Hyldyr publications, articles, and activities. Do you have a mailing list?

We sure do! We invite you to join our mailing list here.

e. What is your stance on generative AI?

All Hyldyr publications are made by people and only people. Hyldyr does not and will not use generative AI in any of our publications. Additionally, we forbid the use of Hyldyr publications for the purpose of training generative AI models.

f. Does Hyldyr maintain a corrections page?

At Hyldyr, our goal is to produce the highest quality publications imaginable. This is very important to us. In turn, we record any non-typo errors and place them publicly on our corrections page. If you encounter any errors that have slipped through the cracks and do not appear on our corrections page, please let us know!