DIGITAL Edition of The Elder Futhark: The Oldest Runes 2nd Edition by Jacqui Alberts & J.S. Hopkins


This is a listing for the digital edition (PDF) of The Elder Futhark: The Oldest Runes 2nd Edition by Jacqui Alberts & J.S. Hopkins.

What is the Elder Futhark? Who used it? What happened to it?

The Elder Futhark is a unique alphabet developed and used by speakers of early Germanic languages in large areas of Europe. The Elder Futhark is the oldest of the runic writing systems and the source from which all other runic alphabets stem. While runes have become a fantasy fiction staple and a popular topic of interest, there is much misinformation and confusion around them. Ideal for artists, writers, contemporary Heathens, and beyond, this book serves as an accessible and scholarship-grounded starting point for approaching the Elder Futhark. This expanded second edition is illustrated by Jacqui Alberts, authored by philologist Joseph S. Hopkins, and newly introduced by noted runologist Bernard Mees.




Second edition
140 pages. Published by Hyldyr.
ISBN-13: 978-1-966041-00-9
LCCN: 2024950885
Digital Edition.